
If you look at forums on the topic of binary options , you can see that many are interested in how likely it is to get rich quickly in this way. Mostly, such questions are asked by novice traders, which ends in mockery from experienced “colleagues” who accuse newcomers of naivety.

Important! Give up the goal of earning a lot at once in a short period of time by trading binary options. This desire in most cases leads to negative results. Novice financial market players lose their deposits, which happens very quickly.

A trader is an attractive profession due to freedom of action (life without bosses) and the absence of an upper income limit. You can earn a lot with minimal time investment. It sounds tempting, but it is an illusion, at least at the stage of formation in a new profession related to the purchase and sale of binary options. The reality looks different.

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A trader can be successful at the beginning of his professional journey. Winning trades are closed one by one. Technical analysis is not used, investing in each transaction is carried out at random. The trader falls into euphoria and increases the deposit with faith in his luck. Gambling comes to the fore when greed becomes an obstacle to making adequate decisions. The result is a series of failures, which correlates with disappointment and loss of the spirit to win.

Tips for making money with binary options

If you really want to start making good money on binary options : become a professional in this field, ensure a permanent income, achieve a high income, then use the following tips:

  1. Spend enough time on a training account (demo account), do not use real money for trading until you get used to the new conditions ( When is it time to switch from a demo account to a real one? ). It may take months, but it's worth it. Professional skills will appear, responsibility and a clear understanding of what and how to do will arise so that the level of income on binary options will only please you.

“Try on” different strategies for binary options and look for the right option. Use unconventional approaches. For example, you are trying to increase your deposit , but trading continues to go into the negative for several transactions. What to do? Change the purpose of trading - try to drain the deposit . This often leads to unexpected results: forecasts begin to come true. This development of affairs is due to the fact that the nature of trade is changing, which is becoming long-term. There is no need to constantly sit in front of the monitor, since positions are opened for a longer time.

  1. Gambling is something you need to get rid of. Develop composure and do not try to take revenge when you have been at a disadvantage for a long time. You cannot open trades counting on luck.
  2. If trading on a demo account began to bring a confident profit, it’s time to earn real money on binary options. At the same time, do not strive to make quick money. Improve deal quality, not profitability.
  3. Determine a deposit for yourself, the size of which will not lead to unnecessary emotions and worries. Money for trading should be free, and not withdrawn from the family budget to the detriment of constant expenses in the form of, for example, buying food or covering loan costs.
  4. The goal of a novice trader is to make a profit, even minimally. Do not plan where you will spend the money from the first trades you win until you withdraw the profit from the broker’s platform to your account. The positive psychological attitude is lost, and subsequent trades are mostly losing.
  5. Invest only your own money in trading. Attracting someone else's capital is associated with a burden of responsibility, the severity of which can significantly reduce the quality of trade. As a result, the likelihood of losing your deposit increases.
  6. Trading is a working way to generate income, but not everyone views it that way. Many people perceive binary options in terms of earnings as a category of something ephemeral. This results in disapproval of such activities from close people. Don't worry about it. Moving towards your dream is what matters.



The profession of a trader is not an easy way to make money. It will be necessary to include in the process of constant absorption of new knowledge and relevant information. It never ends. Only awareness of this reality will lead to success.

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Option Bull
Option Bull
Я вначале воспринимал бинарные опционы как азартную вещь, и это манило, иногда мог заработать, но по большой части я сливал, и это длилось до тех пор пока не понял что должна быть холодная голова, сейчас неплохо зарабатываю
Дмитрий, по сути банрные опционы это неплохой вариант дополнительного заработка, но не более того
12 January 2023
Option Bull
Option Bull
Относительно быстро на бинарных опционах может заработать только настоящий профессионал и эксперт в этом деле.
12 January 2023
можно и быстро, но шанс при этом потерять еще выше, чем заработать...
14 February 2020
быстро заработать можно только на каком-то обмане или пирамиде или украсть, а когда ведешь серьезный бизнес, надо быть осторожным и не ждать быстрой прибыли)
12 January 2020
Я вначале воспринимал бинарные опционы как азартную вещь, и это манило, иногда мог заработать, но по большой части я сливал, и это длилось до тех пор пока не понял что должна быть холодная голова, сейчас неплохо зарабатываю
16 May 2018
Хорошая статья, я сам когда начинал слил свой первый депозит, потом пришлось рынок изучать, стратегии применять чтобы нормально заработать
15 May 2018
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