
Устали от сомнительных брокеров, непрозрачных условий и проблем с выводом выигрышей? WinOptionGame переворачивает мир трейдинга с ног на голову! Здесь вы не будете сражаться с бездушным алгоритмом или алчным брокером, а будете соревноваться с реальными людьми, такими же трейдерами, как и вы. Готовы ли вы к настоящему испытанию своих навыков? WinOptionGame – это не просто платформа для трейдинга, это настоящая арена для интеллектуальных дуэлей, где побеждает не толстый кошелек, а острый ум и хладнокровный расчет.

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презентация WinOptionGame

Что такое WinOptionGame?

Это онлайн игра, где можно не только играть, прогнозируя курс биткоина, но и выводить свой заработок в реальные деньги. Все сделки здесь открыты и честны, без участия брокера-напрямую с другими трейдерами. Вы видите действия своих оппонентов и всегда знаете, за какую сумму идет борьба. В этой игре нет никаких скрытых подвохов и сомнительных манипуляций брокеров. Только трейдеры, ваш ум и правильный прогноз курса BTC.

Эта игра невероятно увлекательная. Напряжение настоящего противостояния заставит вашу кровь кипеть, а адреналин биться ключом. Каждый раунд – это шанс отточить свои навыки, изучить новые стратегии и стать лучшим трейдером.

интерфейс WinOptionGame

WinOptionGame – это не только игра, но и активное сообщество. Общайтесь с единомышленниками в социальных сетях этого проекта, делитесь опытом, находите друзей и достойных соперников. Испытайте себя, свои силы и нервы в честном интеллектуальном поединке. Оттачивайте навыки, учитесь на своих и чужих ошибках, чтобы стать еще лучше. Докажите всем, что умеете читать рынок лучше других, и забирайте крупные денежные призы.

Как играть?

Забудьте о нечестных брокерах! С WinOptionGame вы будете играть против других трейдеров, а не подкрученных алгоритмов. У вас будет возможность проверить свои навыки и знания в захватывающих противостояниях с другими трейдерами, где побеждает тот, кто лучше всех чувствует рынок. Готовы к настоящему вызову?

Как это работает?

Перед вами откроется реальный график Биткоина, и игрокам нужно будет предсказать, что произойдет с его курсом через 15, 30 и 60 секунд: пойдет вверх или вниз. Все участники делятся на два пула – одни верят в рост цены, другие – в падение. Кто угадает направление рынка, тот и заберет все деньги соперников, разделив их в соответствии со своей ставкой. Интерес к игре возрастает, когда коэффициенты неравномерно распределены между командами и достигают до 1000% выплаты. Именно этот подход и реализован в WinOptionGame: чем больше трейдеров поставит денег в одном пуле, тем выше будет коэффициент у игроков из другого пула.

процесс игры в WinOptionGame

Как начать играть?

  1. Подключите свой кошелек TronLink к сайту игры.
  2. Изучите график BTC и предскажите движение цены в выбранном интервале.
  3. Поставьте на рост или падение заняв нужный пул. При выигрыше ваша ставка умножится на коэффициент твоего пула.
  4. Получите мгновенную выплату – забирайте свой приз в токенах сразу после раунда.
  5. В любой момент вы можете обменять токены обратно на USDT.

Сайт WinOptionGame

Где купить криптовалюту для игры в WinOptionGame?пункт обмена криптовалюты в WinOptionGame

Да, для игры вам понадобиться криптовалюта. Не знаете, где взять USDT? Не проблема! Мы подготовили ТОП-3 проверенных способа, чтобы начать играть и приумножать капитал было легко:

  1. BestChange– легендарный агрегатор обменников, самый популярный и надежный в рунете. После перехода по этой ссылке откроется сайт, где нужно выбрать направление обмена, сравнить предложения и выбрать самый выгодный курс. Это один из самых надежных способов, т.к. BestChange сотрудничает только с проверенными обменниками.
  2. Электронные кошельки ADVCash и WEBmoney– можно покупать USDT прямо в своем кошельке, не посещая сторонние сайты, что очень удобно.
  3. Прямо на сайте игры WinOptionGame – уже скоро появится такая возможность, чтобы сделать покупку USDT еще проще.

Как пополнить игровой счет?

Прежде, чем пополнять игровой счет, убедитесь в том, что у вас установлен криптовалютный кошелек TronLink, который позволяет пользователям взаимодействовать с децентрализованными приложениями (dApps) на блокчейне Tron. Если у вас его нет, зайдите на официальный сайт TronLink, чтобы скачать и установить кошелек себе на компьютер или смартфон.

криптовалютный кошелек tronlink в WinOptionGame

После этого подключить кошелек TronLink к сайту WinOptionGame можно всего за два клика!

подключение криптовалютного кошелька к WinOptionGame

Теперь вы сможете обменять ваши USDT(TRC-20) на внутри игровые токены WINGT (WiOptionGameToken)

обмен криптовалюты на внутриигровой токен в WinOptionGame

Почему это честно?

Платформа WinOptionGame обеспечивает честную игру всем участникам. Каждый игрок играет против реальных людей, а не алгоритмов. При этом платформа не вмешивается в игру, а лишь обеспечивает честные расчеты и берет за это минимальную комиссию. При этом вы сами решаете, сколько ставить и на что: на рост или снижение актива.


WinOptionGame – не просто игра, а ваш шанс доказать всем что вы мастер трейдинга и заработать реальные деньги. Присоединяйтесь к WinOptionGame сегодня! Переходите на сайт: Подключитесь в пару кликов и начните свой путь к успеху!




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Crazy Wallet
Crazy Wallet
In its current form, this game has one significant issue – an imbalance in pool bets. The second screenshot in the article shows that the total amount in the buy pool is $85, while the sell pool only has $50. It’s easy to calculate that those in the larger pool will, at best, earn 59% of their original bet. For example, let’s look at the first player. Their share of the buy pool is 6% ($5/$85*100), so their potential winnings would be: 0.06 * 50 = $2.94, which is 2.94/5*100 = 59%. As far as I recall, the average minimum payout with most brokers is around 75%. Not very profitable, right? On the other hand, if the sell pool wins, its players will receive a 170% payout on their bets. Let’s take the first player again. Their share of the sell pool is 25/50*100 = 50%, meaning their potential profit would be: 0.5 * 85 = $42.50, or 42.50/25*100 = 170%. In my opinion, this is a wildly imbalanced deal, don’t you think? One side places a bet with a possible 59% payout, while the other side stands to gain 170%! And this discrepancy will grow as the difference between the total amounts in the buy and sell pools increases. For instance, with a ratio of $100 versus $50, the payout would already be 50% versus 200%, and so on. It doesn’t seem very appealing to bet on a 50% payout when your opponent could take home 200% if they win, right? The only solution is to balance the bets on both sides. Otherwise, even mathematically, it becomes unappealing.
James Williams, That’s the whole point of the game – to profit from the imbalance. At some point, you can catch a 900% payout if everyone is betting on the trend in one pool, while you bet against it. Essentially, you’re supposed to be the opponent who takes the bigger payout.
Вячеслав, The imbalance makes this game unappealing because players, when placing bets, don't know how the money will be distributed in the pools beforehand. This means they can't predict the payout percentage under which their bet will fall. It's like a binary options broker offering trades unquestioningly without indicating the payout percentage for the deal. Moreover, this approach benefits neither the players nor the game owners. It forces players to place small bets to avoid creating an imbalance against themselves. If you put a large bet in one go, your payout will drop sharply because your pool will exceed the opponents'. What's the point of that? A player can't make a significant profit because small bets are necessary, and the owners can't earn much either since small bets generate small commissions. So, who benefits from this? The game should encourage larger bets—that's where the excitement is, not vice versa. Who would place large bets with only a 20-30% payout when brokers offer 95% payouts?
21 октября 2024
The direct competition with other traders is definitely a fresh take. But does anyone know if the platform offers any tools or indicators to help analyze the market, or is it all on you to predict the moves?
17 октября 2024
Наверняка будут присутствовать и другие активы. Эфир, Солана, БНБ.
Артур, уверен что да, причем не только курс крипты, но и курсы валютных пар, сырьевых товаров и других активов. Возможно даже в отдаленном будущем можно будет даже использовать простенькие индикаторы или какие-то другие торговые инструменты)) По крайней мере идея неплохая на мой взгляд)
17 октября 2024
Наверняка будут присутствовать и другие активы. Эфир, Солана, БНБ.
14 октября 2024
In its current form, this game has one significant issue – an imbalance in pool bets. The second screenshot in the article shows that the total amount in the buy pool is $85, while the sell pool only has $50. It’s easy to calculate that those in the larger pool will, at best, earn 59% of their original bet. For example, let’s look at the first player. Their share of the buy pool is 6% ($5/$85*100), so their potential winnings would be: 0.06 * 50 = $2.94, which is 2.94/5*100 = 59%. As far as I recall, the average minimum payout with most brokers is around 75%. Not very profitable, right? On the other hand, if the sell pool wins, its players will receive a 170% payout on their bets. Let’s take the first player again. Their share of the sell pool is 25/50*100 = 50%, meaning their potential profit would be: 0.5 * 85 = $42.50, or 42.50/25*100 = 170%. In my opinion, this is a wildly imbalanced deal, don’t you think? One side places a bet with a possible 59% payout, while the other side stands to gain 170%! And this discrepancy will grow as the difference between the total amounts in the buy and sell pools increases. For instance, with a ratio of $100 versus $50, the payout would already be 50% versus 200%, and so on. It doesn’t seem very appealing to bet on a 50% payout when your opponent could take home 200% if they win, right? The only solution is to balance the bets on both sides. Otherwise, even mathematically, it becomes unappealing.
James Williams, That’s the whole point of the game – to profit from the imbalance. At some point, you can catch a 900% payout if everyone is betting on the trend in one pool, while you bet against it. Essentially, you’re supposed to be the opponent who takes the bigger payout.
10 октября 2024
James Williams
James Williams
In its current form, this game has one significant issue – an imbalance in pool bets. The second screenshot in the article shows that the total amount in the buy pool is $85, while the sell pool only has $50. It’s easy to calculate that those in the larger pool will, at best, earn 59% of their original bet. For example, let’s look at the first player. Their share of the buy pool is 6% ($5/$85*100), so their potential winnings would be: 0.06 * 50 = $2.94, which is 2.94/5*100 = 59%. As far as I recall, the average minimum payout with most brokers is around 75%. Not very profitable, right? On the other hand, if the sell pool wins, its players will receive a 170% payout on their bets. Let’s take the first player again. Their share of the sell pool is 25/50*100 = 50%, meaning their potential profit would be: 0.5 * 85 = $42.50, or 42.50/25*100 = 170%. In my opinion, this is a wildly imbalanced deal, don’t you think? One side places a bet with a possible 59% payout, while the other side stands to gain 170%! And this discrepancy will grow as the difference between the total amounts in the buy and sell pools increases. For instance, with a ratio of $100 versus $50, the payout would already be 50% versus 200%, and so on. It doesn’t seem very appealing to bet on a 50% payout when your opponent could take home 200% if they win, right? The only solution is to balance the bets on both sides. Otherwise, even mathematically, it becomes unappealing.
10 октября 2024
It's all theoretically very interesting and described reliably, but it's just text. I need facts and evidence. It would be great if the developers of the game recorded a video review of this game, which answered all the questions that arise, as well as clearly show how to connect the wallet, how to bet, how to withdraw your money. This is very important, it causes trust.
09 октября 2024
Option Bull
Option Bull
А здесь нужно угадать только курс биткоина? А можно ли выбирать другие активы для прогнозов? Например те же валютные пары хотя бы. Если еще нет, то было бы крайне полезно добавить разнообразие)
Руслан, пока только так. Надо понимать, что проект все еще находится в стадии развития, поэтому будем надеяться, что со временем все появится) Было бы еще неплохо выбирать разные таймфреймы (периоды для прогнозирования) ну и экспирацию тоже чтобы подвезли))
08 октября 2024
Crazy Wallet
Crazy Wallet
What about liquidity? If there are fewer traders in a pool, does it limit the potential payouts? I’d love to hear from anyone who's been playing for a while on how this actually works in practice.
Mister X, Everything is OK with liquidity. The more money there is in the opposite pool, the bigger your winnings will be
Вячеслав, How can it be okay if you say that the size of my profit depends on the opposite side? So, I can't place as much as I want. Where's the liquidity? Moreover, if no one wants to bet on selling in a rising market, there won't be any trades at all. Who will sell to the buyers if there's no market maker? When you make a deal through a broker, they handle that. But here, who does it?
Crazy Wallet, What does that have to do with it? Basically, you’re just splitting into two teams: one thinks Bitcoin will rise, the other thinks it will fall, and whoever guesses right takes ALL the money from the other side
Вячеслав, This is directly relevant to the matter. What do you mean by just dividing into teams? It depends on the participants' preferences. Or are they forcibly divided into commands by the algorithm? What if everyone wants to be on the SAME TEAM betting on Bitcoin's growth and NO ONE wants to bet on its decline? Who will take the other side of those trades? And where is the liquidity if the bet size is limited by the opposite pool's amount? You can't place a bet larger than what the opposing side has. You’ll be constrained by that amount. If there’s only $50 there, you can't bet more, yet you say there's liquidity. Where is it? Liquidity means that I can bet $10, $100, or even $1,000,000 at any moment. Does that exist here?
03 октября 2024
What about liquidity? If there are fewer traders in a pool, does it limit the potential payouts? I’d love to hear from anyone who's been playing for a while on how this actually works in practice.
Mister X, Everything is OK with liquidity. The more money there is in the opposite pool, the bigger your winnings will be
Вячеслав, How can it be okay if you say that the size of my profit depends on the opposite side? So, I can't place as much as I want. Where's the liquidity? Moreover, if no one wants to bet on selling in a rising market, there won't be any trades at all. Who will sell to the buyers if there's no market maker? When you make a deal through a broker, they handle that. But here, who does it?
Crazy Wallet, What does that have to do with it? Basically, you’re just splitting into two teams: one thinks Bitcoin will rise, the other thinks it will fall, and whoever guesses right takes ALL the money from the other side
Вячеслав, What if the other side doesn't exist? What should we do in such a case?
03 октября 2024
No brokers? Heck yes! This feels way more legit and straight-up. It’s all about the game and our skills, not some shady middleman trying to profit off us!
Serg, That's just your perception. Someone created this platform, and not without reason. The developers, just like the broker, make money from commissions. Otherwise, this project would be unprofitable and of no interest to anyone. Everything in this world revolves around money. Whether these guys take a big or small commission is another matter, but they take one. So, I don't see much difference from a broker.
James Williams, Fair point, I get what you're saying. Of course, the platform takes a commission — no one's doing this for free. But the key difference for me is that it's not a broker pulling strings on the trades themselves. It feels more transparent when you're just up against other traders, and not wondering if someone's tweaking the odds behind the scenes.
Serg, Why do you speak so confidently about only trading against other traders? How do you know this for sure? And what happens if no one wants to sell in a rising market? Who will take on the role of the market maker then? In that case, there wouldn’t be any trades. Everyone would be buying, but who would they be buying from? Please, explain.
Crazy Wallet, Great question! In this setup, if there aren't enough traders on one side of the market, the system could face liquidity issues, like you said. However, from what I understand, the platform might rely on a kind of 'pool' system where the bets of those predicting price movements are matched against each other. In extreme cases, there could be fewer trades if the market is too one-sided. That's why high activity from other traders is key to keeping things moving. It would be interesting to know if they have any backup mechanisms in place for such situations, like temporary market makers or something similar. It'd be interesting to get more clarity on this from the devs.
03 октября 2024
А здесь нужно угадать только курс биткоина? А можно ли выбирать другие активы для прогнозов? Например те же валютные пары хотя бы. Если еще нет, то было бы крайне полезно добавить разнообразие)
03 октября 2024
tirant, Или вас нагреют, как вариант.)))
02 октября 2024
What about liquidity? If there are fewer traders in a pool, does it limit the potential payouts? I’d love to hear from anyone who's been playing for a while on how this actually works in practice.
Mister X, Everything is OK with liquidity. The more money there is in the opposite pool, the bigger your winnings will be
Вячеслав, How can it be okay if you say that the size of my profit depends on the opposite side? So, I can't place as much as I want. Where's the liquidity? Moreover, if no one wants to bet on selling in a rising market, there won't be any trades at all. Who will sell to the buyers if there's no market maker? When you make a deal through a broker, they handle that. But here, who does it?
Crazy Wallet, What does that have to do with it? Basically, you’re just splitting into two teams: one thinks Bitcoin will rise, the other thinks it will fall, and whoever guesses right takes ALL the money from the other side
01 октября 2024
Crazy Wallet
Crazy Wallet
What about liquidity? If there are fewer traders in a pool, does it limit the potential payouts? I’d love to hear from anyone who's been playing for a while on how this actually works in practice.
Mister X, Everything is OK with liquidity. The more money there is in the opposite pool, the bigger your winnings will be
Вячеслав, How can it be okay if you say that the size of my profit depends on the opposite side? So, I can't place as much as I want. Where's the liquidity? Moreover, if no one wants to bet on selling in a rising market, there won't be any trades at all. Who will sell to the buyers if there's no market maker? When you make a deal through a broker, they handle that. But here, who does it?
01 октября 2024
What about liquidity? If there are fewer traders in a pool, does it limit the potential payouts? I’d love to hear from anyone who's been playing for a while on how this actually works in practice.
Mister X, Everything is OK with liquidity. The more money there is in the opposite pool, the bigger your winnings will be
30 сентября 2024
Mister X
Mister X
What about liquidity? If there are fewer traders in a pool, does it limit the potential payouts? I’d love to hear from anyone who's been playing for a while on how this actually works in practice.
30 сентября 2024
Option Bull
Option Bull
Концепция игры явно поинтереснее того же расхайпленного хомяка. Здесь хотя бы присутствует какая-никакая, но аналитика, азарт и возможность игры в команде против другой команды, в отличии от тупой и примитивной тапалки. Я уже молчу о рейтинге и подробной статистике игроков.
Руслан, Так в хомяке не надо думать, купил вибромассажер и работаешь по экрану. А тут хоть немного но включаешь голову.
tirant, ахахаха с вибрамассажором это гениально))) жаль в этой игре не придумать подобных хитрых лайфхаков, по крайней мере пока)) тут уж конечно разрабы оказались предусмотрительнее на этот счет, но я все же дума это вопрос времени))
27 сентября 2024
Crazy Wallet
Crazy Wallet
No brokers? Heck yes! This feels way more legit and straight-up. It’s all about the game and our skills, not some shady middleman trying to profit off us!
Serg, That's just your perception. Someone created this platform, and not without reason. The developers, just like the broker, make money from commissions. Otherwise, this project would be unprofitable and of no interest to anyone. Everything in this world revolves around money. Whether these guys take a big or small commission is another matter, but they take one. So, I don't see much difference from a broker.
James Williams, Fair point, I get what you're saying. Of course, the platform takes a commission — no one's doing this for free. But the key difference for me is that it's not a broker pulling strings on the trades themselves. It feels more transparent when you're just up against other traders, and not wondering if someone's tweaking the odds behind the scenes.
Serg, Why do you speak so confidently about only trading against other traders? How do you know this for sure? And what happens if no one wants to sell in a rising market? Who will take on the role of the market maker then? In that case, there wouldn’t be any trades. Everyone would be buying, but who would they be buying from? Please, explain.
26 сентября 2024
No brokers? Heck yes! This feels way more legit and straight-up. It’s all about the game and our skills, not some shady middleman trying to profit off us!
Serg, That's just your perception. Someone created this platform, and not without reason. The developers, just like the broker, make money from commissions. Otherwise, this project would be unprofitable and of no interest to anyone. Everything in this world revolves around money. Whether these guys take a big or small commission is another matter, but they take one. So, I don't see much difference from a broker.
James Williams, Fair point, I get what you're saying. Of course, the platform takes a commission — no one's doing this for free. But the key difference for me is that it's not a broker pulling strings on the trades themselves. It feels more transparent when you're just up against other traders, and not wondering if someone's tweaking the odds behind the scenes.
25 сентября 2024
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